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Welcome To Cameraworks Photography

Cameraworks Photography specialises in commercial and industrial photography including civil and infrastructure engineering, construction, architectural exteriors and interiors, product and corporate photography. I also provide aerial photographs using a drone, fitted with a high-quality camera, having gained a Permission for Commercial Operation (PfCO) from the CAA. These images can range from general aerial shots to building inspections or anything in-between.

Work is carried out for individuals as well as small and large national companies. Whatever the commission the intention is always the same; to show the client, their services and products in the best possible light.

To discuss the production of effective and communicative images to promote your business and services in the most cost-effective way, please contact Phil Wells on: 01332 361 968 | 07850 028 214 |

Contact Cameraworks Photography

01332 361 968
07850 028 214


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